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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Click Here To Watch Links Part 1 RK says.. that it seems Madhu din like his help n offers to leave..! He removes her saree pallo from his watch and walks away ..! Madhu stares with excited look n feels a hand! She turns to slap but its Mukku! Mukku says to hit him after marriage! Madhu hugs Mukku and asks whose heart is beating so fast? urs or mine! Wink Roma...
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Click Here To Watch Links Scene 1 PD-Dadu on mob discussion about their plan but Adi asks 2 return their cloths now but he makes Excuse by saying Gupta's unluckyROFL so they will go after conference @evening. Maa praying @temple sees Pankhu who was giving order to Everybody to get ready and asks Maa too to get ready but Maa goes crying emotional as Pankhu's Relation...
Click Here To Watch Links Part 1 Daljeet arrives at Saahibas house and is hesitant on going inside, he takes her hair clip out of his pocket and has flashbacks of Saahiba and the kid(don't know the name) telling him that if he wants to hear from Saahiba he has to have some courage. He goes inside and gives his regards to some women. It seems that he is finding...
Click Here To Watch Links Eppy takes from where it ended yesterday. Gunjan manages to bag the coveted task of dressing up Rachna for the event while Pihu makes a face. The rest are busy with the other preparations ranging from sweets to the outlook of the hall. Dead A pumped up Gunjan is determined to break this alliance at any cost so she decides to apply a LOT...
Click Here To Watch Links Krish and Rajni return home early and Krish gets off at his office... Rajni on the way home stops the car and then goes to a house wearing a white saree. It is Yash's house and he has a son...apparently the mother is dead...but the boy does not know...he keeps asking when his mom is coming back... Rajni arrives and the boy runs out saying "mummy..." I...
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Click Here To Watch Links Rashi tries to open the pump but it gets opened there itself and all water flush on rashi forcily. Koki and jigna looks this. Koki scolds rashi and asks to stop the water if not all the water goes away. Koki goes downstairs. Rashi tries hard to stop the water and finally sits on it to stop leaking. Gopi gives tea to parag and koki comes there...
Click Here To Watch Links KP room : KRIYA in their room... K spraying perfume all over the room.. P comes out of bathroom and asks what he is doing.. K says he is purifying the room since ASY and his mom had spoilt the atmosphere of the house... P aghast.. scolds K and says your blood is now in ASY body and you yourself saved his life.. why are u now talking like...
Click Here To Watch Links Mathur's The hall Stare...stare...stare -Indu stares at Veena and Veena stares back at Indu, while Sanchi (and the audience) wonders what the mother-in-law/son-in-law duo are upto! Watching the bitter young man plonk his luggage in the middle of the hall, the helpless Veena is unable to do anything but grit her teeth in annoyance. Adjusting...
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Click Here To Watch Links PART 1 the epi starts with naksh and duggu and chikki leaving.. chikki is scared to go.. they reach the venue.. Shankari is arranging the stuff.. everyone is busy in preparing stuff. G3 again starts complaining about akshi always behind chikki.. Bm and ST try and make her understand.. but she changes the topic. Theres some work for which...
Click Here To Watch Links Episode begins with Shaswat wandering in his room with tension written in his face. Foram comes and asks him why he is stressed. He says because all the family members are behind him now. Till Tejal was asking for proof it was okay but now even his family has joined the brigade. Foram asks him to go to office and find out the proofs. He...
Click Here To Watch Links Maanvi says ILU to Virat, Virat tells that both have one and tells that he loves her. He tells that he is so happy and he tells her that they will go home or else they will get malaria instead of lovaria. Virat makes Tea for Maanvi and she asks why he made tea for her. She would have made it. She takes a sip and Virat asks if its not good....
Click Here To Watch Links Summary SurYa in cooking new dishes. LOL Sandy trains him in identifying food by smelling. Wink Vikram gets the contract from Raj Kumar.Wink Sooraj is ready for the Danger Zone round and is asked to correct the ruined dish which was complained from the customer.ConfusedOuch Written Update Sooraj is done with pasta and other Italian...
Click Here To Watch Links Episode starts with Anjali telling Arnav that she knows he has got married and now there’s a new world for him. Arnav says no one can between them, she was an important part of his life and will always be. Anjali says time has changed, since Arnav has stopped answering to her questions, everything has changed. Arnav says nothing has changed. He...
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Click Here To Watch Links Few people will be asking cady to show them anjaan. After a great request the people leave. Cady asks them to wait for some time and she will definitely show them anjaan. Ram and rajat come to the mall. Ram gets a call so rajat says, you take the call I will say sorry and come. Ram takes the call and its sonia, wife of reshab. She asks...