READ email from here Dear I know you have demand in lead,Plugs, Connectors & Adaptors , and I also have carefully browsed your website and find many of your products could be supplied by us. Also I am writing to introduce a new product line—test lead to you. I noticed from your web site, it is one of your major clientele, This product line is targeting existing customers. The sales in market have proven to be very successful. It keep old customers while attract more new customers. so introduction of test lead should be a big sales hit for you.we have received many inquiries about this kind of products recently. I am contacting you in hopes that you might be interested in new suppliers of high-quality, reasonable price, fast delivery. Hope to receive your specific inquiry, our best offer will be forwarded without delay. We are confident in our further cooperation. And you will find we will be your valued supplier. May you give me a chance to present you more information on this? Donot reply this email directly,contact us via below. Best regards, Michael ![]() | |||| | ||||
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